Lake Murray Water Taxi and Transport is the simple answer to getting around Lake Murray.
Whether you need a ride home from a nightspot or beach, or simply moving a boat around the lake, Lake Murray Water Taxi and Transport is the only call you need to make.
Nothing is more of a drag than heading out for a big event on the Lake, and wanting to leave before everyone else, and knowing it is a bit far for a swim.
Lake Murray Water Taxi operates during those super fun events, picking you up at the event location, and dropping you off at one of the pre-designated locations on land, so that you can arrange transportation to you next location.
You can call Lake Murray Water Taxi during the following events on the Lake:
Drift Jam
Reggae Tronic
4th of July Fireworks
Holiday Fireworks
LMWT will bring you to:
Jakes Landing
Irmo Side of the Dam
Lands End
Liberty on the Lake
Catfish Johnny's
From these locations, you can make arrangements for ground transportation to your next location.