Ghosts of Lake Murray Tour
Dont' be afraid of the water.
Be afraid of what is UNDER the water
"Lake Murray's" history began in 1927, when two thousand men worked hands to the bone creating the largest earthen dam in the world...but the history began hundreds of years before...
Thee men who built the lake gave 100% effort every day, and in some cases, gave their lives to create what would be come Lake Murray.
The men who died building the lake, however, are only a part of the history of tragedy that the lake and the bottom below has seen, holds, and even feels.
From the soldiers who died in the Revolution and Civil War on what would become Lake Murray, to the homeowners who refused to sell, only to remain for eternity on their property below the lake, and the many final resting places to loved ones left behind when the lake was created to the American Heroes who give their lives training for a mission in World War Two, there are not only stories and legend, but spirits who still remain in the world between the depth of Lake Murray and the Beyond.
On the Lake Murray Ghost Tour, our Captain, and Lake Murray Historian, shares stories of standing ground, tragic events, and selfless heroism all within the confines of Lake Murray, South Carolina.
The 2 1/2 hour tour includes visits to historical locations, sites of tradgedy, and reported hauntings, plus a hike to cemetery on an island accessable only by boat, where loved ones are often seen walking around land and water they have been on for centuries.
The Ghosts of Lake Murray Tour is a private tour, with a maximum of six guests. Rates include the Boat, Captain & Crew, and Fuel.
(Gratuity not included)